LWML – Lutheran Women’s Missionary League

LWML – Who is this group?

Lutheran Women's Missionary League is for each woman of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. LWML provides women with opportunities to grow in their relationship with the Lord through studying His Word, serving together, and supporting missions. It is a sisterhood of Lutheran women working side by side, growing together, and caring for each other as they serve when and where our Lord has need of them. We are all Women in Mission!

Throughout the decades, Lutheran women have stepped out in faith, setting goals, and trusting God to move the hearts of His people to give generously of their gifts to proclaim the Gospel.

Fellowship with women from other churches takes place at retreats, servant events, and training opportunities. Yearly conventions provide avenues to worship, study, learn, and interact with their sisters in Christ from all around the country.

At this time our Women of Hope LWML gatherings have been canceled due to the covid19 pandemic. Pray that we will be able to meet again soon.

MN South District LWML Webpage: https://www.mnslwml.org/

National LWML Webpage: https://www.lwml.org/

Women on a Mission Quarterly Newsletter enews page web address: https://www.mnslwml.org/resources/wom

LWML Spring Rally is Coming!


Mite Mission Boxes

The MITE BOX is a small box used to receive gifts of gratitude to support and share the gospel with the projects and programs of the LWML. Anyone who wishes to contribute to the missions may use a Mite Mission box. Mite Mission box offerings are collected and sent to the the MN South District and National on a regular basis. Boxes are available in the church's information hallway.

What is the origin of the Mite Box? Mark 12:41-43 From Scripture we read, Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts. But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a few cents. Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, "Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything – all she had to live on" (Mark 12:41-43 NIV). Over 100 million dollars have funded mission grants all over the world since 1942.

Mission Mite Calendars: https://www.mnslwml.org/resources/mite-calendars

Children's Mission Mite Calendars: https://www.mnslwml.org/resources/mite-calendars/childrens